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Monday, September 23, 2013

Waste Collection Update

Think of a Friday morning, the sun climbing up over the horizon to smile down on Orr Lake with its sparkling water, lush surrounding forests, and garbage-strewn roadsides.  Well, it was sounding idyllic for a minute or two there, wasn’t it?  Simcoe County’s rearrangement of the waste collection schedule has many property owners plugging their noses.  We can bring the fresh air back but we need your help.  Even if your response to the question of change is ‘I don’t care’, WE NEED YOUR VOTE!

At the AGM, the OLRA carried a motion to apply to have collection day moved to an earlier place in the week.  We are the only waterfront community that does not receive service on Mondays.  Unfortunately, BFI, the contracted waste management company, does not have the resources to facilitate Monday pick-up.  However, they are able to accommodate a change of collection for lakeside properties from Friday to Wednesday.

Councillor Perry Ritchie, along with fellow Springwater Township Council members have been very attentive to our concerns, and will gladly make a request to the County for this change.  However, we’ve been advised by Rob McCullough, Director of Solid Waste Management for Simcoe, that we need a majority vote to qualify for consideration.

In a recent poll conducted by the OLRA, responses were overwhelmingly in favour of making the change to Wednesday.  That said, we heard from only 63 Orr Lakers.  Most of these were seasonal.  At the September 16 Springwater Council meeting, it was decided to defer the matter in order to allow us more time to gain a majority vote.  Mr. McCullough’s justifiable concern, shared by Springwater Deputy Mayor Dan McLean, is that the County will be inundated with complaints should a majority not be in favour.

It is clear that seasonal owners are nearly unanimous in their desire for a change to Wednesday.  Many permanent owners are unaffected, and did not respond to the poll but we offer another opportunity to support our summertime neighbours.  We ask you to remember that there may come a time when year-round residents need a majority vote on a matter of little consequence to cottagers.  It’s likely that they’d be more willing to pitch in if we stand behind them now.

Please cast your vote by answering the poll in the sidebar to the left.  Your participation is greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. I've had enough problems remembering to switch to Fri. Why would I want a third day (2nd new)!!! If cottagers have problems with the garbage strewn around, then they should place their bag in a animal proof bin like the rest of us do.


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