Important Information for All

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Blue-green Algae Bloom

 The Simcoe-Muskoka District Health Unit has identified a blue-green algae bloom on our lake.

The causes of this type of bloom are many but here we provide some basic information.

One primary cause is the availability of nutrients in the water to feed the algae.  In Ontario, the main culprit is phosphorous with nitrogen running a close second.  Another potential cause is runoff from leaky septics.  Part of the testing the SSEA conducts on our Lake involves monitoring levels of these nutrients.

There are preventative measures that go a long way toward preventing blooms, and contribute greatly to lake health in general.  These include:

  • using phosphate-free detergents, personal care and household cleaning products
  • avoiding use of fertilizers on lawns, especially fertilizers that contain phosphorus
  • maintaining a natural shoreline on lake and riverfront properties
  • reducing agricultural runoff by planting or maintaining vegetation along waterways and minimizing fertilizer use
  • checking septic systems to ensure they do not leak into the water source
The bacteria that creates blooms is normally present in water bodies.  Blooms occur when the amounts of bacteria are high.  Blooms are not permanent and, with proper care of our lake, will not necessarily recur in future.

There are potentially harmful toxins present when blue-green algae blooms appear.  Avoid use of lake water for bathing, drinking and swimming.  This applies to humans and pets.

For more information, please visit:,as%20leaching%20from%20septic%20systems.