Hello all,
Now that we’ve made it through this long winter, it’s time to think spring. Usually it’s also a time to start planning OLRA activities. This year, with regret, we share the news that all Ratepayers activities are indefinitely suspended. The OLRA has a long and rich history and a place in the hearts of several full time and seasonal residents. This is not a conclusion we came to lightly.
Many factors contributed to the decision.
Most of you know that the Woodcocks kept things afloat for a very long time. When they opted for a well deserved retirement many board members had already given up their positions. Susan Eccleshall and I soon found ourselves alone at the meeting table. Both of us have other obligations that make it very difficult to consistently devote the time required to manage things well.
Many times you’ve heard us call for volunteers, and we deeply appreciate those who did make themselves available, but without steady, reliable leadership and unfailingly dedicated volunteers every aspect of the Association’s activities suffered - except one.
Thanks to almost superhuman effort on her part, Susan continued to organize the annual picnic, an event that she has been involved in for most of her life. While those who attend invariably enjoy a wonderful day, attendance has been steadily declining. A great deal of work goes into planning and executing a day of fun for less and less people each year.
The ability to host this, or any other, event depends on funds derived from the membership drive. This is a large undertaking, and we simply haven’t been able to recruit enough bodies to visit every property in Orr Lake. The option to pay for membership online was provided but very few chose it. Success has been achieved only by making the trek up and down each of our long laneways to knock on doors.
The mission of the OLRA, in short, is to monitor the health of the lake and its environment. This requires regular communication with Township staff, our local environmental associations, and residents. It also means conducting tests and investigating any and all activities that could potentially impact the environment such as road work, ditch maintenance, shoreline development and septic inspections to name just a few. Available time is an issue here as well. Additionally, when the issue of water level could not be resolved after the Township took over management of the dam, we noticed a significant decrease in resident interest in the Association. Without the participation of our citizens we are not an Association at all but merely a board with input from a handful of concerned people. To read about the steps taken to address lake levels, please visit orrlakeratepayers.blogspot.com and refer to the ‘Top 5 Questions’ page.
The blog and Facebook pages will remain as they stand to provide information and allow residents to communicate with each other but will not be updated.
Once, the OLRA was a vibrant part of life in Orr Lake and it could be again. If anyone is interested in revitalizing the Association we would be happy to help in an advisory capacity. Many hands truly do make light work. Should you wish to offer yours, please call or text Lynne at 905-716-2571 or email orrlakeratepayers@gmail.com.
We hope you understand why we have taken this measure and wish you all a safe, happy spring and summer.